SOMA (so’ma) n. 1 the nourishing essence of vitality 2 immortal nectar 3 the cooling essence of moonlight 4 the subtlest form of matter 5 an intoxicating sacred juice
It’s Time to Gather Again!
Imagine this:
You’re relaxing in a tranquil retreat center with gorgeous eco-reserve views. You breathe in the fresh air and the scent of wild lavender. You feed your body with sumptuous fresh organic Ayurvedic meals and nourishing drinks. You feed your mind with the choice of solitude and silence or engaging conversation with welcoming, friendly faces. You feed your Soul with daily, heartening Yoga practices of various styles, quality time hiking in nature, and moonlit hot tub soaks. You celebrate life in a safe sacred space. (Scroll down to see photos!)
Ahhhh… will you join me?
You deserve to be revitalized so you can flourish in your life.
WHAT: 4 day/3 night retreat with…
Daily Yoga classes
Pranayama (Breathing techniques)
Tantric connection practices
Cacao Ceremony
Ecstatic Dance
3 delicious organic, plant-based Ayurvedic meals a day + snacks and tea parties
Quality time with old and new friends
Daily activities of your choice: One on one sessions with Anne Tyler, Hiking trails, etc.
WHEN: Fall, 2024
WHERE: Murrieta, CA
WHY: You deserve to de-stress, get grounded, and restore your vitality with like-minded/hearted friends in a beautiful, inspiring space.
Ojas is a Sanskrit word that means vigor or vitality and refers to the inner fire we need to fulfill our purpose. It is our intention to offer Ojas as a place for restoration, connection, and healing. All are welcome.
Zelle – rhythmlover8@gmail is prefered
Venmo @AnneTyler-Harshbarger
Reach out to Anne Tyler directly for info about payment plans and the balance due date.
*See Terms and Conditions of refunds and cancellations below